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Реликварий с частицей пояса Пресвятой Богородицы

18th-century double-crystal reliquary theca containing relics of the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The relics are between two panes of crystal and titled in 18th-century ductus as De Singula / Be[atus] Virginis Mariae (Of the Girdle of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Theca is secured by a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the coat of arms of Italian Bishop affixed to the silver wire surrounding the crystal theca.

Holy Girdle of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Christian relic in the form of a "girdle" or knotted textile cord used as a belt, that according to a medieval legend was dropped by the Virgin Mary from the sky to Saint Thomas the Apostle at or around the time of the Assumption of Mary to Heaven. The supposed original girdle is a relic belonging to Prato Cathedral in Tuscany in Italy and its veneration has been regarded as especially helpful for pregnant women.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 84-RSCR-9
  • Размер: 4.2 см х 3.8 см ( без печати)
  • Возраст: 18 век
  • Материалы: серебро, хрусталь
  • Цена: Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

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