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Хрустальный реликварий с частицей Оморфора (Покрова) Пресвятой Богородицы

Fancy 18th-century double-crystal reliquary theca housing Ex Velo (of the Veil) relic of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The relic is housed between two sheets of faceted rock crystal decorated with silver wire and identified on a paper cedula as Ex Velo / B. Marie V. (from the Veil / the Blessed Virgin Mary). It is secured by a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax with an impression of a coat of arms of Monsignor Colonna, Italian Cardinal and Prince Assistant to the Papal Throne.

According to tradition, the Veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary was worn by the Virgin as she stood at the foot of the Cross. It had been transferred in the early years of Christianity from Jerusalem to Constantinople when it was presented by the Byzantine Empress Irene to the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne. In 876 his descendant Charles the Bald gave the relic to the cathedral at Chartres. The Veil is kept in a golden reliquary beside the high altar and has formed the focus of many traditions throughout the centuries. It was believed to have protected the faithful down through the centuries from many dangers and evils, including famine and war, outbreaks of the plague, and the worst ravishes of the French Revolution. The veil itself is more than six meters long and made of silk. Scientific studies have shown that it is of Syrian design, of fine quality, and can be traced to the first century. Every year on 15th August, the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, the Veil is processed through the town of Chartres.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 42-DDCR-55 *
  • Размер: 4.5 см х 3.5 см
  • Возраст: 18 век
  • Материалы: горный хрусталь
  • Цена: Цена по запросу

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