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Реликвии из гробницы Богородицы, Яслей Иисуса Христа и избранных святых в изящном мульти-реликварии 19 века

Attractive multiple relic reliquary, centered on the Holy Sepulchre and the Manger of Our Lord. Mounted against a red silk background, ornamented with gold and silver devices, and housed in a sealed, cast bronze reliquary theca further decorated with an inner ring of silver braid.

There are 8 relics, which include, from the top:

  1. stone from the Holy Mountain of Calvary;
  2. stone from the Sepulchre of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  3. stone from the sepulchre of Saint Eusebius, Abbot;
  4. stone from the Crypt of Saint Elias on Mount Carmel;
  5. an unspecified relic from the location of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  6. an unspecified relic from the Crypt in the Garden of Gethsemane; an unspecified relic from the Holy Sepulchre of Jesus Christ;
  7. an unspecified relic from the Manger of Jesus Christ.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 64-DDR-6
  • Возраст: 19 век
  • Цена: $2,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Дополнительные Фотографии

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