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Russian 4-Panel Folding Skladen Travel Icon of The Twelve Principal Feasts and Miracle-working Madonnas

Metal icon of four-folding panels depicting “Twelve Principal Orthodox Feasts and Miracle-working Madonnas.”

The icon is divided into 20 smaller panels: five on the far right panel depicting selected icons on Madonnas venerated by saints (The Dormition Mother of God of Tichvin with selected Saints; Mother of God of Vladimir with selected Saints; Mother of God of Smolensk with selected Saints; Mother of God of Sign with Selected Saints with Praise of Mother of God - on the top) and the other 15 depicting a principal Feasts of the Orthodox calendar including The Annunciation; the Nativity of Christ; the Nativity of the Virgin; the Presentation of the Virgin to the Temple; the Crucifixion surrounded by Saint Martha, Virgin Mary, Saints John and Longin Centurion; the Presentation of Christ to the Temple; the Baptism of Christ; the Transfiguration of Christ; Christ’s Entrance to Jerusalem. On the top New Testament Trinity God Father and The Son enthroned, and the sphere with cross between them, above The Holy Spirit in the image of a dove with symbols of the Evangelists below; The Resurrection and The Descent into Hell, The Ascension, and The Old Testament Trinity.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 03-DDPbA-22
  • Размер: 16 cm x 36 cm (6 1/4 in x 14 1/2 in)
  • Возраст: ca. 19th century Moscow Region
  • Материалы: brass and 3-color enamel
  • Цена: $850

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