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Small Russian Orthodox 3-panel folding travel skladen icon depicting Saint Tikhon with Archangels, Apostles, and selected Saints

Saint Tikhon depicted under Not-Made-By-Hands image of Christ on the central panel, with Archangels, Apostles Peter and Paul, and selected saints on side panels.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk (†1783) was a Russian Orthodox bishop and spiritual writer who was glorified as saint of the Orthodox Church. He was tonsured a monk at the age of thirty-four and later consecrated Bishop of Voronezh. He served as bishop for a little under seven years and retired to the monastery of Zadonsk because of poor health there he lived for the rest of his life. In 1846, during the construction of the new cathedral at Zadonsk, Saint Tikhon's relics were uncovered and reported to be incorrupt.  It was reported that many miracles occurred near his relics, so he was made a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1861. His feast day is celebrated on August 13 and the Uncovering of His Relics is celebrated on May 14.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 164-DDMA-8
  • Размер: 6 cm x 9 cm (2 1/2 in x 3 1/2 in)
  • Возраст: ca. 19th century, Old Believer's workshop, Moscow Region
  • Материалы: brass
  • Цена: $600

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