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Arma Christi, Реликвии Орудий Страстей Христовых коллекция

Страсти Христовы - совокупность событий, принесших Иисусу Христу физические и духовные страдания в последние дни и часы его земной жизни. Особое место среди Страстей Христовых занимают события, произошедшие после Тайной вечери: арест, суд, бичевание и казнь – кульминационный момент страстей Христовых. Реликвии Страстей – артефакты, относящиеся к Iвеку, и особо сохраняемые церковью для почитания и использования в обрядах.

1838 Документированный реликварий с частицами от Древа Истинного Животворящего Креста

19th-century French cruciform  reliquary monstrance made of ebony wood decorated with solid silver finials and rays of light housing a glass-fronted silver theca with particles from the wood from the True Cross of Jesus ChristThe relics are displayed in a  glass-fronted removable theca placed in the center of the reliquary and identified in Latin as Verae Crucis ([from the] True Cross). The theca is secured by an undisturbed seal of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Giovanni Pietro Augustoni O.E.S.A. (†1839), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon and and Sacristan of the Apostolic Palace (1829–1839). It comes with an original matching authetics documents issued and signed by Fr. Augustoni in 1838. The reliquary is housed in its original fitted leather-clad case.

  • ID# 45-RSSR-2
  • Размер 18 inches (46 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Реликварий-ставротека, содержащий частицу Креста Господня


Реликварий - ставротека XVIII века в стиле барокко, из позолоченного дерева, богато украшенная Орудиями Страстей Христовых, содержит Частицы Древа Истинного Креста Иисуса Христа. Реликвии помещены в крестообразное углубление со стекляной передней поверхностью в центре монстранция. Этикетка гласит - "От дерева Древа Святого Креста Господа Нашего Иисуса Христа". Реликвия опечатана четырьмя печатями красного воска с прекрасно сохранившимися оттисками гербов Генерального Викария Антонио Паганини и Джузеппе Сапорити (+1767), Архиепископа Генуи (1746-1767).

  • ID# 189-RSCR-18
  • Размер высота 37 см
  • Возраст середина 18 века
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы позолоченное дерево
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Серебряный реликварий с частицами от Древа Истинного Животворящего Креста

An opulent cruciform reliquary monstrance profusely decorated with filligree silver housing extremely large particles from the wood from the True Cross of Jesus ChristThe relics are in the cruciform shape and identified in Latin in red ink on a manuscript cedula label as Lingo SS-mae Crucis D.N.J.C. (Wood from the Most Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ).  On the back, the reliquary is secured by three undisturbed seals of red Spanish wax with clear imprints of a coat of arms of Monsignor Luigi Del Drago, the Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome (1839-1845). Comes housed in the perfectly preserved original tooled leather-clad silk-lined case of issue.

  • ID# 242-RSCR-13
  • Размер 147 x 87 mm (5 3/4 x 3 1/2 inches)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1898 Французский реликварий с реликвиями Истинного Креста, Туринской Плащаницы и Облачения Пресвятой Богородицы

Small finely cast bronze Neo-Gothic style chapel-shaped reliquary with four glass panes containing three significant relics: of the True Cross, of the Shroud of Turin, and the Vestment of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The relics are affixed to a velvet-covered pyramid-shaped structure and identified in Latin on manuscript cedulae labels as Vera Crucis (the True Cross), De Sindone D.N.J.C. (of the Shroud of Our Lord Jesus Christ), and Ex Veste B.V. M. (of the Vestment of the Blessed Virgin Mary).  Under the removable dome of the reliquary held in place by two screws, the relics are certified by a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the coat of arms of Fr. Henri Pelgé (†1911),  Bishop of Poitiers, France (1894 - 1911). There is a letter of provenance written in French is affixed to the bottom part of the reliquary reads as follows (translated): “Most holy relics of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, sealed by Monsignor Pelgé, Bishop of Poitiers for the parish of Notre-Dame. Sealed in Poitiers on June 7, 1898.”

  • ID# 37-RSMIS-17
  • Размер 3 1/3 inches (8.5 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

1867 Документированный реликварий с тремя реликвиями от Святого Гвоздя из базилики Святого Креста в Иерусалиме

Finely-cast bronze French Gothic style reliquary cabinet containing three facsimile third-class touch relics of the Holy Nails of Jesus Christ. The nails are certified by the individual seals of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the Monastery of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome. The relics are identified in French on a fancy cedula label as Fac simile des Clous de la Vraie Croix (Facsimile of the Nails of the True Cross).

The reliquary cabinet contains the original matching authentics document stating the following:

We attest to each and every one reading the present document that the enclosed three iron nails fastened with red silk ribbons to the secure seals, were placed near the Sacred Nail, the very sacred relic with which Our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, that We, the Cistercians preserved in the inner chapel of the urban Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, and the nails were made artistically to be elaborate so that it may seem very similar to the original. This document is issued in Rome in our Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem on July 2, 1867.

The reliquary is suitable for private and public veneration. 

  • ID# 37-RSSR-2
  • Размер 14 inches tall x 9 inches across x 6 1/2 inches deep (35 cm x 23 cm x 17 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с реликвией от Яслей Господних и мощами 12 Апостолов

Large oval glass-fronted brass reliquary theca housing first-class relics of the Apostles centered around an extremely rare relic from the Manger of the Child Jesus. The relics are affixed to a red silk background decorated with elaborate gilt paperolle and silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on bi-color manuscript cedulae labels. The Precious relic of the Holy Crib is identified as De Cunis D.N.J.C. (of the Manger of Our Lord Jesus Christ). On the back, under the protective cap, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Antonio Marcucci (†1798) Bishop of Montalto (1770–1798), Titular Patriarch of Constantinople (1781–1786), and Vicegerent of Rome (1774–1786). Fr. Francesco Antonio Marcucci himself was proclaimed to be Venerable in 2010 after Pope Benedict XVI ratified a decree celebrating his life of heroic Christian virtue.  

In addition to the Relic of the Manger of the Child Jesus, the reliquary contains relics of the following Apostles: Saint Peter; Saint Paul; Saint Andrew; Saint Bartholomew; Saint Jude Thaddeus; Saint James the Greater; Saint Thomas Didymus; Saint Simon; Saint Matthias; Saint James the Lesser; Saint Philip; Saint Barnabus; and Saint Matthew.

  • ID# 234-RSCR-5
  • Размер 60 mm x 50 mm
  • Возраст около последняя четверть 18 века
  • Происхождение Рим, Италия
  • Материалы посеребрённая латунь, стекло, шёлк, серебро, бумага, сургуч
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

1870 Документированный реликварий с реликвией от Святого Гвоздя из базилики Святого Креста в Иерусалиме

An attractive French glass-fronted frame of lacquered wood containing a facsimile third-class touch relic of the Holy Nail of Jesus Christ. The relic is certified by a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the Monastery of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome

The reliquary frame contains an original matching authentics document stating the following:

We attest to each and every one reading the present document that the enclosed three iron nails fastened with red silk ribbons to the secure seals, were placed near the Sacred Nail, the very sacred relic with which Our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, that We, the Cistercians preserved in the inner chapel of the urban Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, and the nails were made artistically to be elaborate so that it may seem very similar to the original. This document is issued in Rome in our Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem on July 2, 1870.

In addition, the reliquary frame contains the following items:

  1. A cloth ribbon -  3rd class touch relic of the Column of Flagellation of Christ inscribed MISURA DELLA COLONNA DI CRISTO NRO SIGNORE ALLA QUALE FU FLAGELLATO (A Measure Of The Pillar Of Christ Our Lord At Which He Was Flagellated);
  2. A mother-of-pearl pilgrim's cross from the Holy Land;
  3. A dried up branch from an olive tree with a hand written label Olivier de Terre Sainte (Olive from the Holy Land);
  4. An engraving with a depiction of the relic of the Titlo from the Cross of Jesus housed in the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem in Rome;
  5. An envelope with a pebble relic from the Sepulcher of Christ;
  6. Two envelopes with a pebble relic from the Column of Flagellation of Christ;
  7. An envelope with a pebble relic from the Grotto of Gethsemane.

The reliquary is suitable for private and public veneration. 

  • ID# 47-RSSR-15
  • Размер Frame: 17 3/4 x 14 1/4 inches (45 x 36 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Великолепный мощевик 18 века с большими частицами Истинного Креста Иисуса Христа

Spectacular and important 18th-century large cruciform silver reliquary theca decorated with intricate floral filigree ornamentation housing unusually large particle relics of the wood from the True Cross of Jesus Christ. The precious relics are displayed in a cruciform shape and identified in Latin as D.N.J.C. (Our Lord Jesus [Christ]).  On the back, the reliquary is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of an unidentified Roman Catholic Bishop. The reliquary is accompanied by a silk-lined .case of gilt-tooled Florentine leather. 

  • ID# 278-RSCR-95
  • Размер 180 x 115 мм
  • Возраст около 18 века
  • Происхождение Рим, Италия
  • Материалы серебро, шелк, сургуч
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Реликварий-монстранц с реликвиями Страстей Христовых: Истинного Креста и Святой Плащаницы


Элегантный реликварий - монстранций XVIII века в стиле барокко из побеленного и позолоченного дерева содержит две важные реликвии Страстей Христовых: Частицу Истинного Креста и Частицу Святой Плащаницы. Реликвии помещены в углубление, закрытое стеклом, в центре монстранция. Этикетка гласит - "От Истинного Креста Господа Нашего и от Плащаницы Господа Нашего". Центральное углубление опечатано четырьмя печатями красного воска с прекрасно сохранившимися оттисками печати католического епископа.

  • ID# 147-RSCR-25
  • Размер высота 32 см
  • Возраст 18 век
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы позолоченное дерево
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

1932 документированный мощевик с большими частицами Истинного Креста Иисуса Христа

An impressive cruciform silver pendant housing large particle relics of the Wood from the True Cross of Jesus Christ. The unusually large relics are housed inside the pendant cross under a hinged front panel, decorated on the frontside with engraved Instruments of Passion, and identified on a typeset cedula label as De Lingo SS. Crucis D.N.J.C. (of the wood from the Most Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ).  On the back, the reliquary is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of the Archdiocese of Milan. The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued in Milan in 1932 by the Blessed Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster (†1954), Cardinal and Archbishop of Milano (1929–1954) who, himself, was declared a Blessed in 1996.

  • ID# 277-RSCR-5
  • Размер 3 1/2 x 2 1/4 inches (87 x 52 mm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Французский реликварий с частицами от Древа Истинного Животворящего Креста

19th-century French large cruciform  reliquary monstrance made of  wood decorated with solid silver caps and center detail and housing a theca with particles from the wood from the True Cross of Jesus ChristThe substantial relics are displayed in a  crystal-fronted silver theca placed in the center of the reliquary. On its back, the theca is secured by an undisturbed seal of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of an unidentified Roman Catholic Cardinal. The base of the monstrance has a hallmarked solid-silver plaque with the following inscription in French:

"The oak from which this cross is made is contemporary with the birth of Christianity, it was found near Sombernon, a few years ago in a Roman aqueduct whose construction dates back to the conquest of Gaul, it owes its black color to its long stay underground. [dated] 1851."

  • ID# 43-RSSR-225
  • Размер 24 1/2 inches (62 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Французский реликварий с частицами от Древа Истинного Животворящего Креста

19th-century French cruciform  reliquary monstrance made of ebony wood decorated with hallmarked solid silver fleur-de-lis finials and housing a theca with particles from the wood from the True Cross of Jesus ChristThe relics are displayed in a  glass-fronted removable theca placed in the center of the reliquary and surrounded by a cruciform micromosaic depicting the Instruments of Passion (Arma Christi). The theca is secured by an undisturbed seal of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of the Order of Friars Minor.

  • ID# 44-RSSR-2
  • Размер 17 1/2 inches (44 cm) high
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Реликварий-монстранций с частицей Истинного Креста Господня

Искусно сделанный монстранций XVIII века в стиле барокко, из позолоченного дерева со скрещенными Орудиями Страстей Христовых, увенчаный прихотливо вырезанныйм балдахином. Реликварий вмещает серебрянную овальную теку с застекленным фронтальным окошком, в которую помещены Реликвии Страстей Христовых: Частицы Истинного Креста Господня. Реликвии расположены в форме креста на подложке из красного шелка и окружены украшениями из сплетенной серебрянной проволки. Этикетка гласит - "От Древа Истинного Креста Господа Нашего Иисуса Христа". С обратной стороны теки - прекрасно сохранившаяся печать красного воска Франческо Гаетано Инконтри (+1781), Архиепископа Флоренции (1741-1781).

  • ID# 122-LCD-12
  • Размер монстанций: 42 см х 17 см
  • Возраст ок.1750-1775 годов
  • Материалы монстранций - позолоченное дерево, тека - серебро
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Монстранс со реликвией от Титла Истинного Животворящего Креста INRI

Небольшой барочный реликварий монстранс, изготовленный из посеребряного дерева. вмещающий внутри застекленного отсека важную реликвию Страстей Христовых - Частицу от Титла Истинного Животворящего Креста. Драгоценная реликвия крепится к основанию красного шелка, декорированого золоченным узором, и идентифицирована на прилагаемой этикетке. С обратной стороны реликвия опечатана с помощью перекрещивающихся серебряных шнуров, удерживаемых четырьмя прекрасно сохранившимися печатями с оттиском герба отца Антонио Мартини (+1809), Архиепископа Флоренции (1781-1809). 

  • ID# 41-RSCRM-7
  • Размер 19 см в высоту
  • Возраст около 1800 г
  • Происхождение Флоренция, Италия
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Серебряный мощевик с мощами Св. Апостолов и Реликвией от Древа Истинного Креста

18th-century oval silver double-crystal reliquary theca decorated on the top with bow-shaped silver wire ornamentation and housing relics of the Twelve Apostles of Christ centered around the relic of the True Cross. The relics are affixed to a gold silk background decorated with gilt paperolle, silver wire, and floral ornamentation and identified on manuscript cedulae labels as St. Peter the Apostle, St. Paul the Apostle, St. Andrew the Apostle, St. James the Great the Apostle, St. Philip the Apostle, St. [Jude] Thaddeus the Apostle, St. Matthew the Apostle, St. Bartholomew the Apostle, St. Matthias the Apostle, St. Simon the Apostle, St. James [the Less] the Apostle, and St. Thomas the ApostleOn the back, the theca is secured with a well-preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of an unidentified Roman Catholic Bishop.

  • ID# 03-RSSR-1
  • Размер 110 x 67 mm
  • Возраст около 18 века
  • Происхождение около 18 века
  • Материалы серебро, хрусталь
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1932 документированный мощевик с большими частицами Истинного Креста Иисуса Христа

A fancy cruciform silver pendant housing a smaller reliquary housing large particle relics of the Wood from the True Cross of Jesus Christ. The relics are displayed in a cruciform shape within a smaller glass-fronted silver reliquary cross inserted into a larger silver pendant decorated on the back with the image of Crucified Christ.  On the back, the reliquary is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of the Order of Saint Augustine (Augustinian Hermits). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued in Rome by Fr. Daniel Delgado of a Virgin Rosary of the Order of Saint Augustine in 1932 in which the relic is described as Ligno Sanctissimu Crucis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi ([of the] Wood from the Most Precious Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ).

  • ID# 264-RSCR-1
  • Размер 93 x 60 мм
  • Возраст около 1932
  • Происхождение Рим, Италия
  • Материалы серебро, стекло, сургуч
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Important silver reliquary theca with Passion relic of the True Cross of Jesus Christ

Historically important ca. 1800 oval glass-fronted silver reliquary pendant housing a relic of The True Cross of Christ, presumably used to cure the sick and for exorcism. The particles of the Wood from the True Cross are arranged in a cruciform shape on a ground of red silk and surrounded by gilt paperolle ornamentation. On the back, behind the hinged protective panel, the reliquary is secured by a seal of red Spanish wax with a coat of arms of Monsignor Bernardino Honorati (†1807), a Cardinal-Priest of Santi Marcellino e Pietro in Rome and an important Vatican official who served as Referendary of the Apostolic Signatura and a Relator of the Sacred Congregation of Good Government. The reliquary is enclosed in a silver pendant-case with a hinged lid that is engraved with the following inscriptions:

Front: ET VERBUM CAROFACTUMEST. ("And the Word became flesh". [John 1:14])
Reverse: ESSE + CRUSEM DOMINI FUGGITE PARTES ADVERSAE ("Behold the Cross of the Lord! Be gone all evil powers!" (Motto of St. Anthony))

  • ID# 277-RSCR-5
  • Размер he theca 38 x 33 mm, case: 42 x 37 mm, t
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный мощевик с реликвиями Истинного Креста

Fancy 18th-century double-crystal silver-set reliquary housing large particle relics of wood from the True Cross of Jesus ChristThe relics are displayed in cruciform shape under faceted rock crystal glass framed by an elaborate ornamental frame. The theca is protected by a seal of red wax with a perfectly preserved imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Adolphe-Louis-Albert Cardinal Perraud C.O. (†1906), Archbishop of Autun–Chalon-sur-Saône–Mâcon–Cluny, France (1874–1884), and Superior General of Société de l’Oratoire de Jésus (1884–1901). It comes with a re-certification document issued by Monsignor Perraud in 1884 with an additional hand-written and sealed certification on the right margin dated 1889.

  • ID# 230-RSCR-11
  • Размер 75 x 50 mm
  • Возраст около 18 века, ресертификация и документ - 1889
  • Происхождение Рим, Италия
  • Материалы хрусталь, шёлк, бусы, сургуч
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик 18 века с частицами Истинного Креста и 11 Орудий Страстей Иисуса Христа

18c large oval glass-fronted silvered brass reliquary theca housing relics of the Wood from the True Cross of Jesus Christ surrounded by eleven Arma Christi (Instruments of Passion) relics.

The relics are as follows: 

  1. (Center) - Of the Wood from the True Cross
  2. De Scala Cruciae - from the Holy Stairs of the Cross
  3. De Spina - Of the Thorn from the Crown of Thorns
  4. Monte Calvariae - Pebble from the Mount Cavalry
  5. De Spongia - Of the Holy Sponge
  6. De Lingo Mense - Of the Wood from the Table of the Last Supper
  7. De Pane Bened. - Of the Blessed Bread
  8. Sacre Monte Sion - Pebble from the Mount Zion 
  9. ex Veste Alba - From the White Garment
  10. De Linteo - Of the cloth [of the Holy Shroud]
  11. De Col. flag, D.N.J.C. - from the Column of Flagellation of Our Lord
  12. De Sepulcre D.N.J.C. - from the Holy Sepulcher of Our Lord 

The relics are affixed to the ground of blue silk, surrounded by gilt paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on manuscript cedulae labels.  On the back, under a protective cap, the reliquary is secured by a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of Fr. Antonino Serafino Camarda O.P. (†1754), Bishop of Rieti, Italy (1724–1754).

  • ID# 274-RSCR-75
  • Размер 75 x 65 мм
  • Возраст около 2й четверти 18 века
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы латунь, стекло, шелк, бумага, сургуч
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный реликварий с частицей Истинного Креста Господня

Реликварий тека с застекленным передним окошком хранящий  реликвию частиц от Истинного Древа  Животворящего Креста Иисуса. Реликвии прикреплены к красному шелковому фону в форме креста и обозначены на бумажной этикетке в верхней части как D.N.J.C. (Домини Ностри Хесус Кристи - Господь наш Иисус Христос). Сзади, под защитойм крышкойтТека защищена печатью из красного воска с четким отпечатком герба отца  Джованни Томмазо Нойшель († 1863) в должности епископа Пармского (1843 - 1852). Реликварий сопровождается соответствующимсертификационном  документом, удостоверяющим подлинность, выданным и подписанным о. Нойшель в 1845 году.

  • ID# 15-RSMB-125
  • Размер 4.6 см х 3.6 см
  • Возраст ок 1845 года
  • Происхождение Италия, Парма
  • Цена $5,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Серебряный наперсный крест с реликвиями Истинного Креста и Орудий Страстей Христовых

A fine 18th-century silver pectoral cross housing seven precious relics of Christ's Passion centered around a relic of the True Cross. The relics are placed in the inner compartments covered by a hinged lid  held in place by a silver capped screw and identified in Latin on typeset cedulae labels as:

  1. S. Spinensis Coronae D.N.J.C. - of the Crown of Thorns of our Lord Jesus Christ
  2. S. Sceptrum D.N.J.C. - of the Reed Scepter  of our Lord Jesus Christ
  3. [of the Wood of the True Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ]
  4. S. Sudarii D.N.J.C. - of the Sweat Cloth (the Veil of Veronica) of our Lord Jesus Christ
  5. S. Hasta D.N.J.C. - of the Spear of our Lord Jesus Christ
  6. S. Spongia D.N.J.C. - of the Holy Sponge of our Lord Jesus Christ
  7. S. Clav. D.N.J.C. - of the nail [from the Cross] of our Lord Jesus Christ
  8. The last relic is unfortunately lost

The cross has a depiction of Christ on the front and back and is hallmarked on the ends of the cross's arms with an 18th-century mark of a silversmith from Napoli, Italy.

  • ID# 22-RSSR-16
  • Размер 124 x 77 mm (4 1/2 x 2 3/4 in)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с Реликвиями Плащаницы Иисуса Христа

Rare 18th-century silver glass-fronted theca containing five significant threads from the Holy Shroud of Jesus Christ also known as the Shroud of Turin. The relics are affixed to a gilded paper starburst on the red silk background, surrounded by gold and silver wire ornamentation, and titled in 18th-century bi-color ductus as De Sindone DNJC (from the Shroud of Our Lord Jesus Christ). Theca is secured on the back by a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing a clear imprint of the coat of arms of an unidentified Roman Catholic Bishop.

  • ID# 207-RSCR-1
  • Размер 50 x 40 mm
  • Возраст около 18 век
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы бронза, стекло
  • Цена $5,500
  • Orthodox Cross

1862 документированный мощевик с большими частицами Истинного Креста Иисуса Христа

An attractive oval glass-fronted silver reliquary theca housing sizable particle relics of the wood from the True Cross of Jesus Christ. The relics are displayed in a cruciform shape surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as Ex Lingno SS. Crucis D.N.J. (of the wood from the Most Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus [Christ]).  On the back, the reliquary is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of Cardinal Antonio Ligi-Bussi O.F.M. Conv. (†1862), Titular Archbishop of Iconium and Vicegerent (auxiliary Bishop) of the Diocese of Rome, Italy (1862). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by Monsignor Ligi-Bussi in 1862.

  • ID# 263-RSCR-12
  • Размер 38 x 35 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1869 Документированный реликварий с реликвией от Святого Гвоздя из базилики Святого Креста в Иерусалиме

An attractive French glass-fronted wooden frame with a convex glass front housing a facsimile third-class touch relic of the Holy Nail of Jesus Christ. The relic is certified by a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the Monastery of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome

Inside of the reliquary frame, the relic is mounted on the affixed original matching authentics document stating the following:

We attest to each and every one reading the present document that the enclosed three iron nails fastened with red silk ribbons to the secure seals, were placed near the Sacred Nail, the very sacred relic with which Our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, that We, the Cistercians preserved in the inner chapel of the urban Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, and the nails were made artistically to be elaborate so that it may seem very similar to the original. This document is issued in Rome in our Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem on May 4, 1885.

The reliquary is suitable for private and public veneration. 

  • ID# 53-RSSR-1
  • Размер 14 x 11 inches (35.5 x 28 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $4,250
  • Silver

Частицы Губки крестных мук, Тернового Шипа и Багряницы - реликвии Страстей Христовых

Egg-shaped silver glass-fronted theca housing relics of the Passion of Jesus Christ: Of the Holy Sponge, Of the Thorn from the Crown of Thorns and of the Purple Robe. The relics are mounted on a background of red silk and surrounded by paperolles and gilt paper ornamentation. They are identified on a paper cedula inscribed in bi-color dictus as DNJC (Our Lord Jesus Christ) / De Spongia (of [Holy] Sponge) / De Spin[a] Cor[onae] (of the Holy Thorn from the Crown of Thorns) / De Purpurae (of the Purple [Robe]). The theca is authenticated on the back with perfectly preserved red wax seal of Fr. Francesco Gaetano Incontri, Archbishop of Florence (p. 1741-1781).

  • ID# 125-LCR-8
  • Размер 5 см х 4 см
  • Возраст середина 18 века
  • Материалы серебро
  • Цена $3,750
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Редкая документированная реликвия Страстей - Святого Копья Лонгина

Incredibly rare touch relic made from the silver object that touched the most powerful and mysterious Passion relic - The Holy Spear of Jesus also known as the True LanceThe reliquary is affixed to the original  authentics document dated 1758 and issued and hand-signed by Fr. Nicola Manciforte (†1762), Bishop of Ancona. 

The document written in Latin translates as:

"...that this silver tip of a Lance, tied to this [letter] with a ribbon of red color, and secured with a small Seal of ours impressed in Spanish Wax, touched the Very Sacred Point of the Lance with which the Side of the Savior was pierced while he was hanging on the Cross; that it exists amongst the rest of the quite famous Relics, by the possession of which our Church was distinguished as the Cathedral of St. Cyriacus; and that it rouses and fosters the piety of the Faithful wondrously well, and draws them to itself...."

The Holy Spear is also known as the Holy Lance is the name of the very spear that had pierced Christ’s side when he hanged on the cross. The first person to refer to this as the Holy Spear was pilgrim Antoninus of Piacenza in 570 AD. While describing the holy places of Jerusalem, he said that in the Basilica of Mount Zion, there was the crown of thorns which Our Lord was crowned and the spear which was used to strike Him in the side. It was rediscovered by the European army of the First Crusade in the city of Antioch on June 15th, 1098, but eventually ended up in the treasury of Constantinople. It is documented, that the holy relic of the True Lance passed through Ancona (an Italian city on the Adriatic side of the Peninsula), in 1492 on its way from Bayezid II the Turkish Sultan (whose father obtained it in 1451 during the conquest of Constantinople) to Pope Innocent VIII by the hand of Pierre d'Abusson, Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes. The Pope placed it the Treasury of the old St. Peter's Basilica in Rome with the volto santo where it is held in great veneration. It is now in one of the great piers of the present St. Peter's Cathedral and in front of it, over the image of Longinus is inscribed "The Spear of Longinus, which Innocent VIII, the Chief Pointif received from Bayezid Sultan of the Turks; Urban VIII transferred it to a decorated shrine rasing an image and erecting the shrine beneath." (see for more information: Relics from the Crucifixion: Where They Went and How They Got There. By J. Charles Wall.)

Since there are no records of the Cathedral of Ancona retaining a part of the True Lance when it was passing through the town on its way to Rome, it is believed that the offered relic was obtained by melting a larger silver object that touched the tip of the True Lance in 1492. A number of analogous documented reliquaries are known, but their number is extremely small and they are in very high demand because of the impossibility of making new touch relics from the True Lance held in the Vatican after it was transferred to the pier of St. Peter's basilica in the 17th century.

  • ID# 129-RSCR-125
  • Возраст ок. 1758 года
  • Материалы серебро
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1818 Documented reliquary with relics of the Christ's Passion (Arma Christi)

Oval glass-fronted  silvered brass pendant reliquary theca housing five relics of the Instruments of Passion of Jesus ChristRelics are affixed to the red silk ground surrounded by silver wire and gilt paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on manuscript cedulae labels as Ex Col. Flagell. / Ex Fune / Ex Spongia / Ex Sepulcro / Ex Arundine / D.N.J.C. (Of the Column of Flaggellation / of the Holy Rope / of the Holy Sponge / of the Holy Tomb / of the Holy Cane / of Our Lord Jesus Christ). On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Giulio Maria della Somaglia (†1830), Cardinal-Priest of Santa Sabina (mother church of the Dominican order), Papal Vicar General (1795-1818), and Prefect of the Congregation of Sacred Rites. The theca is accompanied by an original matching authentics documents issued and signed by Monsignor Giulio Maria della Somaglia in 1818. 

  • ID# 241-RSCR-9
  • Размер 47 x 44 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

1807 документированный мощевик с частицами Истинного Креста Иисуса Христа

An oval glass-fronted silvered brass reliquary theca housing relics of the wood from the True Cross of Jesus Christ. The relics are displayed in a cruciform shape on the ground of red silk surrounded by silver wire ornamentation.  On the back, under a protective cap, the reliquary is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint with a coat of arms of Cardinal Carlo Francesco Caselli O.S.M. (†1828), Archbishop of Parma, Italy (1804-1828). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by Monsignor Caselli in 1807 where the relic is described as Ex Lingno SSme. Crucis D.N.J. (of the wood from the Most Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus [Christ]).

  • ID# 08-281-RSCR-225
  • Размер 28 x 26 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $3,250
  • Orthodox Cross

Реликвии из гробницы Богородицы, Яслей Иисуса Христа и избранных святых в изящном мульти-реликварии 19 века

Attractive multiple relic reliquary, centered on the Holy Sepulchre and the Manger of Our Lord. Mounted against a red silk background, ornamented with gold and silver devices, and housed in a sealed, cast bronze reliquary theca further decorated with an inner ring of silver braid.

  • ID# 64-DDR-6
  • Возраст 19 век
  • Цена $2,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Реликварий с реликвией Страстей Христовых – частицей Святой Веревки

Oval silver crystal-fronted reliquary decorated on the outside with twisted wire housing rarely seen Passion relic of the Holy Rope of Jesus Christ.  The relics are surrounded by paperole ornamentation and titled on a paper cedula in 18th century ductus as De Fune D.N.J.C. The theca is protected on the back with perfectly preserved seal of Italian bishop. 

  • ID# 81-RSSR-56
  • Размер 2.5 см х 2.8 см
  • Возраст 18 век
  • Цена $2,600
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

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