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Серебряный наперсный крест с реликвиями Истинного Креста и Орудий Страстей Христовых

A fine 18th-century silver pectoral cross housing seven precious relics of Christ's Passion centered around a relic of the True Cross. The relics are placed in the inner compartments covered by a hinged lid  held in place by a silver capped screw and identified in Latin on typeset cedulae labels as:

  1. S. Spinensis Coronae D.N.J.C. - of the Crown of Thorns of our Lord Jesus Christ
  2. S. Sceptrum D.N.J.C. - of the Reed Scepter  of our Lord Jesus Christ
  3. [of the Wood of the True Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ]
  4. S. Sudarii D.N.J.C. - of the Sweat Cloth (the Veil of Veronica) of our Lord Jesus Christ
  5. S. Hasta D.N.J.C. - of the Spear of our Lord Jesus Christ
  6. S. Spongia D.N.J.C. - of the Holy Sponge of our Lord Jesus Christ
  7. S. Clav. D.N.J.C. - of the nail [from the Cross] of our Lord Jesus Christ
  8. The last relic is unfortunately lost

The cross has a depiction of Christ on the front and back and is hallmarked on the ends of the cross's arms with an 18th-century mark of a silversmith from Napoli, Italy.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 22-RSSR-16
  • Размер: 124 x 77 mm (4 1/2 x 2 3/4 in)
  • Возраст: около
  • Происхождение: около
  • Материалы: около
  • Цена: Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

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Level 60 Trading Co,, LLC

1089 Commonwealth Ave #314,

Boston, MA 02215, США

Tel: (+1) 786-206-9894

Наше местное время

Фев / 18 / 2025 Вт 22:50:59

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