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Reliquary theca with relics of St. Philip Benitius & St. Philip Romolo Neri, the Apostle of Rome

Round glass-fronted gilt brass reliquary theca housing the second-class ex veste (of the vestment) relic of Saint Philip Benitius and the second-class ex indumentis (of the clothes) relic of Saint Philip Romolo Neri. The relics are affixed to a red silk background and identified on manuscript cedulae labels. On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly-preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of an unidentified Italian Roman Catholic Bishop.

Saint Philip Benitius OSM (Philip Benizi de Damiani) (†1285) was a general superior of the Order of the Servites, and credited with reviving the order. Pope Leo X had beatified him in 1516; and Pope Clement X canonized him as a saint in 1671. 

Saint Philip Romolo Neri (Italian: Filippo Romolo Neri; † 1595), known as the Apostle of Rome, was an Italian priest noted for founding a society of secular clergy called the Congregation of the Oratory of Filippo Neri. Patron of Rome, Mandaluyong, US Special Forces, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, laughter, humor, and joy.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 276-3-RSCR-12
  • Size: 53 mm (2 inches) across
  • Age: ca. 19th century
  • Origin: Italy
  • Materials: brass, glass, silk, paper, Spanish wax
  • Price: $875

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