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Икона - Свя­ти­тель Иули­ан, епи­скоп Ке­но­ма­ний­ский, Чадозаступник (покровитель детей)

The icon is depicting Iulian of Kenomania kneeling before a lectern or table, holding a child, and gazing up at an icon on the wall of Mary. Rare iconographic subject!

Saint Iulian (Julian) of Kenomania was made a bishop by St. Peter. He went to what is now northern Italy and preached there among the non-Christian population. He is said to have so sympathized with parents who lost a child that he would resurrect dead children and that is how he got the reputation as an advocate of children.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 183-1009-027-122-SP1
  • Размер: 30 x 26 cm
  • Возраст: около 1900
  • Происхождение: Русская провинция
  • Материалы: темпера на грунтованной доске
  • Цена: $80020% скидка$640
  • Orthodox Cross

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