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Икона - Старозаветная Троица (Гостеприимство Авраама)

A late 19th-century octangular icon of the Holy Trinity (the Hospitality of Abraham) from the Festival Row of an iconostasis, Central Russia. The border engraved, gilded, and painted in imitation of gilded silver and enamel. 

The Old Testament Trinity icon depicts the story of three angels who visited Abraham (Genesis 18:1–8), but the painting is full of symbolism and is generally interpreted as an icon of the Holy Christian Trinity, "one God in three persons" – the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The Three Messengers are depicted in the center as winged angels sitting around a hospitable table being served by Abraham and Sarah pictured on the left. On the background, the Abraham’s house is pictured and the Oak of Mamre.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 41-57-SSI-15
  • Размер: 62.2 × 57 cm
  • Возраст: около конец 19-го века
  • Происхождение: Центральная Россия
  • Материалы: Центральная Россия
  • Цена: Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

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