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Мощевики-бюст с мощами Святой Мученицы Конкордии Римской

A spectacular near-life-size 18th-century bust-form reliquary made of gilt and painted wood housing a large first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Concordia, Martyr. The relic is affixed inside of a round glass-fronted opening and identified on paper cedula label as Ex Ossibus / S Concordia M. (From the bone of St. Concordia Martyr). On the back of the reliquary, inside of the round opening, the relic is secured with three seals of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of an unidentified Roman Catholic bishop that appears to be a later re=certfification of the original. Suitable for public veneration.

St. Concordia of Rome was the foster mother of St. Hippolytus, a chief prison guard at Rome under Emperors Decius and Valerian in the third century. He was converted to Christ by St. Laurence. The authorities informed the emperor of Hippolytus’ conversion, and he was arrested. Hippolytus confessed himself a Christian, and they beat him fiercely with rods. His only response was, "I am a Christian." The emperor gave orders to clothe St. Hippolytus in his soldier's garb, saying, "Be mindful of your calling and be our friend. Offer sacrifice to the gods together with us, just as before." But the martyr answered, "I am a soldier of Christ, my Savior, and I desire to die for Him." They then confiscated all of his property. His foster mother, St. Concordia, was whipped with olive switches, and then beheaded, along with their servants, before his very eyes. On August 13, 258, Hippolytus was tied to wild horses, which dragged him over the stones to his death. St. Concordia’s body was thrown on a trash heap but was later recovered by Sts. Irenaeus and Abundius to be buried beside St. Hippolytus. She is considered a Holy patron of nursing mothers and wet nurses. Her feastday is commemorated on 13th of August.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 54-RSMBR-24
  • Размер: 53 x 38 cm
  • Возраст: около 18 век
  • Материалы: Дерево, посеребрение, позолота, стекло, сургуч
  • Цена: Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

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