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Reliquary theca with relics of Saint Stanislaus Kostka, Patron of Poland

Oval silvered brass crystal-fronted theca housing a second-class from the robe relic of Saint Stanislaus Kostka. The relic is affixed to a gilt paper starburst on a red silk background and identified on a manuscript cedula label as S. Stanislai Kost.  On the back,  the theca is secured by a seal of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Giuseppe Mancini (†1855), the Archbishop of Siena (1824-1855).

Saint Stanislaw Kostka S.J. (†1568) was a Polish novice of the Society of Jesus. The Holy See ratified his beatification in 1605; he was canonized in 1726. St. Stanislaus is a popular saint of Poland and many religious institutions have chosen him as the protector of their novitiates. He is invoked for palpitations of the heart and for dangerous cases of illness. Patron of Jesuit novices, students, Poland, Broken Bones.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 33-RSCR40-11
  • Размер: 30 x 24 mm
  • Возраст: около
  • Происхождение: около
  • Материалы: около
  • Цена: $750

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