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Spectacular theca with relics of 4 Franciscan Martyr Saints of China & Vietnam: St. Gabriel Taurin Dufresse, St. Ignatius Delgado, St. François-Régis Clet & St. Giovanni of Triora 中華殉道聖人

Spectacular silver glass-fronted reliquary decorated with intricate filigree wire ornamentation and housing significant first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of four Franciscan Martyr Saints of China and Vietnam: Saint Gabriel Taurin Dufresse, Saint Ignatius Delgado y Cebrian,  Saint François-Régis Clet, and Saint John of Triora Substantial relics are affixed to the background of red silk surrounded by gilt wire and natural pearl ornamentation and identified on separate paper cedulae labels. On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of the Franciscan Order. The reliquary was most likely made shortly after the beatification of the Saints in 1900.

St. Louis Gabriel Taurin Dufresse (†1815) was a member of the Society of Foreign Missions of Paris and a Martyr Saint of the Catholic Church. He was ordained a priest in 1774 and sent as a missionary to Szechuan, China. There he was imprisoned for six months in 1784 during government persecution of Christians. He was betrayed to the authorities by a native Christian and was arrested. He was beheaded on 14 September 1815 at Chengdu, Sichuan, China. His head was attached to a pole and his body left exposed for three days as a warning to others. He was Beatified by Pope Leo XIII in the jubilee year of 1900 and Canonized 100 years later by Pope John Paul II in the Great Jubilee year of 2000 together with a group of 120 Catholic Martyr Saints of China and Vietnam.

St. Francis Regis Clet, (†1820) was a member of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) and a Martyr Saint of the Catholic Church. After obtaining permission to go to the missions in China, for 30 years he spent a life of missionary sacrifice. Upheld by an untiring zeal, he evangelized three Chinese provinces: Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan. Betrayed by a Christian, he was arrested and thrown into prison where he underwent atrocious tortures. Following a sentence by the Jiaqing Emperor, he was killed by strangling on February 17, 1820. Pope Leo XIII Beatified him on 27 May 1900. He was Beatified by Pope Leo XIII on 27 May 1900 and Canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 2000.

St. John da Triora, O.F.M. (†1816) was a Dominican priest and a Martyr Saint of the Catholic Church who served in  Changsha Fu, China where he baptized over 9000 natives. Put in prison together with other Catholics in the summer of 1815, he was then condemned to death and strangled on February 7, 1816. He was Beatified by Pope Leo XIII on 27 May 1900 and Canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 2000.

St. Ignatius Delgado y Cebrian, O.P. (†1838) was a Spanish missionary considered to be one of 117 Catholic Martyrs of Vietnam. He was born in Villafeliche, Spain, in 1761, and was raised in a pious family. He became a Dominican priest and served as a missionary in Vietnam for almost 50 years. He was named coadjutor vicar-apostolic at East Tonkin, Vietnam. However, government-sanctioned persecution of Christians began soon after. Ignatius was arrested and locked in a cage, then put on public display for ridicule and abuse, and left to die of hunger and exposure. The martyr was Beatified by Pope Leo XIII on 27 May 1900 and Canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1988. His feast is commemorated on July 12.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 05-RSCR-12
  • Размер: 6 1/2 in x 4 3/4 in (16 x 12 cm)
  • Возраст: около
  • Происхождение: около
  • Материалы: около
  • Цена: Цена по запросу
  • Silver

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