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Мощевик с мощами святой Девы-мученицы Либераты

Late 18th century oval glass-fronted silver reliquary theca housing precious relics of Saint Liberata, Virgin and Martyr. The relic is affixed to a red silk background, surrounded by golden paperolle and silver cord ornamentation and identified in manuscript cedula label as S. Liberatae, V.M. (Saint Liberata, Virgin Martyr). On the back the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax with perfectly preserved coat of arms of Pope Pius VI (p. 1775-1799), indicating direct papal gift from the Vatican.

Saint Liberata is the patron saint of Pizzone, Italy declared a holy virgin and martyr by the Roman Catholic Church. She had eight twin sisters of which all of them, together with Liberata, were martyred, under the regime of Emperor Hadrian. Her remains are kept at the Cathedral of Sigüenza, Spain. Her feast day is celebrated in Pizzone on June 10, and in the United States (mainly around the Chicago area) on June 8Throughout the mid- and late-1900's, about 1,000 emigrants from Pizzone had migrated to the Chicago area. Now every June 8 at the Divine Savior Church in Norridge, Illinois, certain of those the emigrants attend a mass and also attend a religious procession dedicated to the saint organized by the Saint Liberata Club of Chicago. 

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 21-RSMR-5
  • Размер: 2.5 см х 2.2 см
  • Возраст: ок. 1775-1799 годов, дар Римского папы
  • Происхождение: Италия, Ватикан
  • Материалы: серебро
  • Цена: $925
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

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