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Theca with relic of Martyr Saint Maximus of Rome

18th century oval glass-fronted theca housing substantial first class ex ossibus (of the bone)  relic of Martyr Saint Maximus of Rome. The relic is affixed to a gold silk background, surrounded by paperole ornamentation and titled on a paper cedula in 18th century ductus as "S. Maximi M." (Saint Maxumus Martyr). The theca is secured on the back with a red wax seal bearing coat of arms of a Catholic bishop. 

Saint Maximus († 250) was a Christian saint who was martyred by the emperor Decius for refusing to venerate busts of the deified emperors. He was tortured on the rack and by being beaten with rods, but because he would not recant, Optimus ordered him lapidated. On May 4, 250, Maximus was led outside the city walls and stoned to death. His feast day in the Roman Catholic Church is April 30.



Additional Info

  • ID#: 100-RSCR-17
  • Size: 32 x 26 mm
  • Age: ca. 18th century, Italy
  • Price: $625
  • Orthodox Cross

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