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Large theca with relics of 5 female Saints: St. Rose of Viterbo, St. Aurelia, St. Scholastica, Bl. Umiliana de' Cerchi & St. Ursula

Large glass-fronted gilt brass reliquary theca housing relics of 5 female Catholic Saints: the second-class ex velo (of the veil) relic of Saint Rose of Viterbo, the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Aurelia, the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Scholastica, the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of St. Ursula and her companions,  and the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Blessed Umiliana de' Cerchi. The relics are affixed to a red silk background decorated with silver wire ornamentation and identified on manuscript cedulae labels. On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly-preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of an unidentified Italian Roman Catholic Bishop.

Saint Rose of Viterbo, T.O.S.F. (†1251), was a young woman born in Viterbo who spent her brief life as a recluse and was outspoken in supporting the papacy. Otherwise, leading an unremarkable life, she later became known for her mystical prophecy gifts and miraculous powers. She is a patron saint of people in exile; people rejected by religious orders; Franciscan youth; and Viterbo, Italy. Her feast day is celebrated on 4 September.

Saint Aurelia of Regensburg (†1027), also known as Aurelia of Ratisbon, is a Roman Catholic German saint who was a daughter of Hugh Capet, the first King of the Franks. She fled, disguised as a pilgrim, to escape a marriage arranged by her parents against her will. Following the advice of Saint Wolfgang, Bishop of Ratisbon, who saw through her disguise, she accepted the life of a solitary and entered St. Emmeram's Abbey near Regensburg, where she remained for about fifty-two years. The reputation of her sanctity, evidenced by several miracles, was widespread at the time of her death. Her relics were enshrined, and her hermitage was converted into a chapel, which became a popular pilgrimage site.

Saint Scholastica (†543) is a saint of the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. She was the twin sister of Benedict of Nursia and is considered the foundress of the women's branch of Benedictine Monasticism. She is a holy patron of schools; tests; books; reading; convulsive children; nuns; invoked against storms and rain; and Le Mans. Her feast day is commemorated on 10 February.

Saint Ursula (†383) is a Romano-British Christian saint. According to Tradition, she was a princess who set sail along with 11,000 virginal handmaidens to join her future husband, the pagan Governor Conan Meriadoc of Armorica. After a miraculous storm brought them over the sea in a single day to a Gaulish port, Ursula declared that before her marriage, she would undertake a pan-European pilgrimage. She headed for Rome with her followers and persuaded the Pope, Cyriacus, and Sulpicius, bishop of Ravenna, to join them. After setting out for Cologne, which was being besieged by Huns, all the virgins were beheaded in a massacre. The Huns' leader fatally shot Ursula with an arrow in about 383 AD. She is a patron saint of Cologne, England, archers, orphans, students, Binangonan, Riza

Blessed Umiliana de' Cerchi T.O.S.F. (†1246) was an Italian Roman Catholic widow and a professed member of the Third Order of Saint Francis. She came from a family of prominent merchants and was married in her mid-adolescence as part of a political alliance that her ambitious father had engineered. When her husband later died, she fled to become a Franciscan after her father pressured her into accepting a second marriage. Her beatification received approval from Pope Innocent XII in 1694 after the latter formalized her beatification in recognition of the late Franciscan's local and enduring 'cultus' - or popular veneration. Her feast is celebrated on 19 May.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 276-19-RSCR-12
  • Size: 75 x 65 (3 x 2 1/2 inches)
  • Age: ca. 19th century
  • Origin: Italy
  • Materials: brass, glass, silk, paper, Spanish wax
  • Price: $750

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