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Home>>Unconditional Guarantee


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Our Pledge to Our Customers.


Being fully confident in each and every item we sell allows us to offer an iron-clad plain English guarantee to our customers:

1) You can return your purchase in its original condition within 90 days for any reason, no questions asked, and receive a full cash refund to allow you to carefully inspect the purchased item and make a final decision about your purchase.

2) We unconditionally guarantee all items to be authentic antique items and will accept them back at any time and issue a full cash refund, should an independent reputable expert reasonably disagree with our opinion.

3) Without any time limit, we will gladly accept any item purchased from us (in its original condition) back for a credit of the full original purchase price to be applied towards the purchase of any other item(s) in our store.

We stand behind our goods, so you can shop at our store with confidence.

Contact us if you would like more information about our guarantees or if you want to discuss purchasing an item. We are looking to hear from you and promise to respond promptly.


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Level 60 Trading Co,, LLC

1089 Commonwealth Ave #314,

Boston, MA 02215, USA

Tel: (+1) 786-206-9894

Our local time is

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